Art Show

The project “ Art Shǒu Bijoux” aims to inform and educate about entrepreneurship , promote support and inclusion of migrants who would like to become entrepreneurs in the world of art, creativity particularly in self-made crafts. The project is based on self-learning as well as peer learning methods. Through our own experience and learning of the tools to create a successful brand of crafts from scratch, we wish to motivate and encourage other migrant artists that reside in or around Barcelona to not be afraid and pursue their dreams and make their “ hobby” the main work in their life .

The project includes the following activities:

  • ordering all the necessary material to create crafts such as necklaces, rings, earrings, bracelets , etc.
  • self-learning and attending different workshops to perfectly create items.
  • Creation of the platform ( website ) and social media resources in order to create an online platform and online Community.
  • Elaboration of the catalogue with items that would be published on the website .
  • Photo campaign with made items.
  • Selling items in different public markets where we can promote our material.
  • Search for local artists that do the same items and support them through the platform.
  • Interviewing such artists and preparing videos and articles for the website in order to show that the project has a social impact as well as focus.