Migrantopedia project has finished. We present you its final outcomes

Migrantopedia project has finished. We present you its final outcomes

The project MIGRANTopedia of Barcelona’s (MIGRANTopedia) aim was to provide and facilitate information that foreigners who want to relocate to Barcelona may need. The information was provided through digital tools that are interactive and up-to-date. Furthermore, the information provided was intended to be useful for local and national citizens of Barcelona and Cataluña in general since it included topics such as environment, waste collection, social life, job opportunities, and so forth. That consequently could create a space for people to share, interact, network, and create together. Through different activities such as research, an online guide, up-to-date information on the interactive website, the application, interviews with lawyers, and personal experience we wanted to facilitate and educate people who were thinking, planning, or that have moved to Barcelona. Through social and cultural events we wanted to promote inclusivity, integration, and to promote intercultural dialogue by creating a diverse community of people of different cultures, languages, and backgrounds.

The activities we carried out to reach our objectives were the following:

  1. Research on normative legislation for EU and non-EU citizens for relocation to Barcelona that included visa, residence, work, health, Accommodation, public services, art, education, social and leisure life, and any other additional information (such as getting metro card, language classes (Catalan - public schools)).
  2. Creation of an online guide for people who arrived to Barcelona for living and work permanently. The idea was to distribute it amongst local NGOs and public authorities who work with foreigners. As soon as we did the research (activity 1) and started posting it, we created an online guide that could be downloaded for free from the website. We printed some copies that were shared among NGOs which are working with less fortunate people such as refugees and asylum seekers. This guide is containing details of all the NGOs and institutions that can provide accommodation or any other necessary support. This support could be free legal advice, and advice on other important aspects of life in Barcelona.
  3. Creation of an interactive website where people would be able easily to find answers to the doubts they have. The website was made in a similar format to Wikipedia. As legislation and all regulations are constantly changing, we are making sure that all of the readers can support the project and update information, consequently giving them the right to edit pages and their information. This is also enabling our project to continuously grow and last for a longer period of time.
  4. Creation of a mobile application. The app is available to install on mobile devices and provides access to the same database as a website. All topics are formatted for mobile for the best user experience. The app is giving the customer the ability to solve his problem “on the go”. For example: Finding the correct address or phone number, locating it by the map on the phone, and finding the accurate route.
  5. Providing video interviews with lawyers on the most common topics and mistakes people make when they decide to relocate to Barcelona. Participants of this group are also providing their own stories of arriving and living in Barcelona and the problems they have confronted. 6) Two events that consisted of the presentation of the project outcomes such as the online guide, website, and other project results as well as a presentation on the current situation of migrants in the world and Barcelona in particular. Another event was focused more on networking and informal chat. We were involved in the events of representatives of the local Community along with migrants to create an intercultural dialogue between these groups.

We wanted to create a space where people could obtain necessary information while relocating to Barcelona, to create tools that would be up-to-date with the current situation and information about relative topics. The idea was that users by themselves would edit, and distribute all the information. The idea was that they could through activities such as Comms campaigns, and leasing with local private and public institutions in addition to speaking with local professionals such as lawyers and employees in the public sector. The main result we expected to have was having created a space for anyone who is living, wanted to, or was moving to Barcelona where they could learn, interact, network, and create - consequently creating an intercultural and diverse society.