"8 Steps to Sustainable Development", a new EU project of Impuls

"8 Steps to Sustainable Development", a new EU project of Impuls

The project “8 Steps to Sustainable Development” aims to achieve a deeper understanding of climate issues among the younger generation and to teach them about sustainable lifestyle. We aim to promote sustainable habits and encourage children to feel more connected to nature.

Objectives of this project are:

  • Educate and inform foreign kids about the environment and creative ways of its protection from early stages.
  • Involve children in sustainability
  • Teach children practical skills for caring for the environment
  • Raise awareness on sustainability through some create methods
  • Support families and provide them with tools on how to develop their kids' awareness about sustainability at an early stage.

We are planning to organize eight different activities with children in the public yards and beaches:

  • Planting plants,
  • Following the trail of Growing butterflies,
  • Looking at the sand through a magnifying glass,
  • Getting sea salt,
  • Making a wind spinner,
  • Making a water mill,
  • Exploring biodiversity at the foot of tree

The activities are all inclusive not just to families who already expressed their interest in taking part in any of the activities but also to the children who want to be involved right there and then. We will ensure that nature is not harmed or polluted in any way during or after the activities. Additionally, since these activities are aimed at ensuring that children are enjoying nature and get a break from screen time, we will minimize the use of any digital tools. However, all the project results will be available on the website of Impyls with all the exercises and explanations. Thus, the project we will carry out will use our own resources but the results will be digitized so the bigger community can follow up.

Also, we will organize a competition of the best story about sustainability topic and will consequently create a book with these tales and illustrations and will organize a ceremony of Award and prizing.